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Slides: Class 20: Death and Cancer
Peyton Rous. A Sarcoma of the Fowl Transmissible by an Agent Separable from the Tumor Cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine. April 1911.
Kimberly M. Newkirk, Erin M. Brannick, and Donna F. Kusewitt. Neoplasia and Tumor Biology (Chapter 6 from Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease). 2017.
Robert J. Duronio and Yue Xiong. Signaling Pathways that Control Cell Proliferation. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, March 2013.
R. Peto, F. J. Roe, P. N. Lee, L. Levy, and J. Clack. Cancer and ageing in mice and men, British Journal of Cancer, October 1975. (“Peto’s Paradox”).
Orsolya Vincze, et al. Cancer risk across mammals, Nature, 22 December 2021. This is the paper with the diagram showing the cancer mortality risk variation across different orders of mammals (an “order” is taxonomic rank above a family).

- See also this video: Why Blue Whales Don’t Get Cancer - Peto’s Paradox (which is based on this paper: John D. Nagy, Erin M. Victor, Jenese H. Cropper, Why don’t all whales have cancer? A novel hypothesis resolving Peto’s paradox, 2007.
- Matt Might, Winning the War on Error: Solving Halting Problem, Curing Cancer (video), Code Mesh 2017.