Schedule and Readings (repeated from Class 16)
Quiz 2 will be on Thursday, November 3 and will focus on material from Classes 14 – 18 (mostly on editing genomes, but also including most likely one question on the discussion of Quiz 1 from Class 14.)
Project reports are due Monday, 7 November. This should be a complete project report, which will be graded. You will receive feedback on it, and have an opportunity to revise and improve.
Schedule Quiz 2 will be on Thursday, November 3 and will focus on material from Classes 14 – 18 (mostly on editing genomes, but also including most likely one question on the discussion of Quiz 1 from Class 14.)
Project reports are due Monday, 7 November. This should be a complete project report, which will be graded. You will receive feedback on it, and have an opportunity to revise and improve.
Schedule Quiz 2 was originally scheduled to be October 27, but since we won’t have finished genome editing until later, it is now rescheduled for November 3. (Quiz 3 will also be rescheduled for some later date.)
Project reports are due Monday, 7 November. This should be a complete project report, which will be graded. You will receive feedback on it, and have an opportunity to revise and improve.
Slides and Links The slides are here: Class 15: Recombinant DNA
Slides The slides are here: Class 14: Editing Genomes
Some links to materials for the class:
Wladyslaw Altermann, Józef Kazmierczak. Archean microfossils: a reappraisal of early life on Earth (Describes fossils of life from over 3.4 Billion years ago.)
Carl R. Woese and George E. Fox. Phylogenetic structure of the prokaryotic domain: The primary kingdoms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 1977. (As reported in New York Times: Scientists Discover a Form of Life That Predates Higher Organisms, 3 November 1977.
Final Project The Project Proposal is due Friday 14 October.
Use the Project Proposal Submission Form to submit your proposal, which should be a single PDF file containing answers to the seven questions below:
The names and email ids for all members of your team.
Title of your project: short description that clearly captures your project idea.
A short paragraph that describes the goal of your project.
Final Project Everyone in the class should have received email from me about your Project Team and Idea submission, and should be on track with your final project.
The next deliverable for the final project is the Project Proposal, due Friday 14 October. It should include:
The names and email ids for all members of your team.
Title of your project: short description that clearly captures your project idea.
Final Project The first deliverable for the Final Project is the Project Team and Idea Form, which we discussed in class today. It is due tomorrow, Friday, 30 September (AoE). See the Final Project Page for more information on the final project.
Reading Assignment October 3 – 4 are Fall “Reading Days”. I will be out of town and not have my usual office hours on October 3. Your reading assignment (to complete before our next class on Thursday, October 6) is this paper on computing with DNA:
Project 2 Project 2 is due tomorrow (Wednesday, 28 September) at 8:59pm.
Final Project The first deliverable for the Final Project is the Project Team and Idea Form, which we discussed in class today. It is due Friday, 30 September (AoE). See the Final Project Page for more information on the final project.
Slides The slides are here: Class 10: DNA Storage
Some links to materials for the class:
Catherine Taylor Clelland, Viviana Risca, and Carter Bancroft.
Project 2 Project 2 is now due Wednesday, 28 September, 8:59pm.
Final Project The first deliverable for the Final Project is due Friday, 30 September, 8:59pm. This is just a form submission to provide your team and idea for the final project, or other information if you need help to find a team or idea.
Slides The slides are here: Class 9: Distance-Based Phylogeny
Some links to materials for the class:
Project 2 The deadline for Project 2 has been extended to Monday, 26 September, 8:59pm.
Readings See Class 5 for this week’s readings.
Slides The slides are here: Class 8: Phylogeny
Some links to materials for the class:
Georgia Ray (“Eukaryote Write Blog”), There’s no such thing as a tree (phylogenetically). May 2021.
Thomas Bayes, conveyed by Mr. Price, As Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances, 1763.