Final Project idea is due Tuesday, 29 March (4:59pm). You should submit your Final Project Idea using this form, which includes a place to upload a file to use for your presentation. This should be at most two slides that get across the purpose of your project (and include the names of your team). You will present your project idea in class on Wednesday, 30 March.
Guest lecture by Anshuman Suri.
Slides: class18.pdf
Yan Huang David Evans, Jonathan Katz, and Lior Malka. Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits. USENIX Security, 2011.
Marshall Ball, Brent Carmer, Tal Malkin, Mike Rosulek, and Nichole Schimanski. Garbled Neural Networks are Practical. Cryptology ePrint Archive. 2019.
Xiao Wang, Yan Huang, Yongan Zhao, Haixu Tang, XiaoFeng Wang, and Diyue Bu. Efficient Genome-Wide, Privacy-Preserving Similar Patient Query based on Private Edit Distance. ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2015.
Jacob Blindenbach, Karthik Jagadeesh, Gill Bejerano, and David Wu. Avoiding genetic racial profiling in criminal DNA profile databases. Nature Computational Science, April 2021.
Hyunghoon Cho, David Wu, and Bonnie Berger. Secure genome-wide association analysis using multiparty computation. Nature Biotechnology, July 2018.
Haixu Tang, Xiaoqian Jiang, XiaoFeng Wang, Shuang Wang, Heidi Sofia, Dov Fox, Kristin Lauter, Bradley Malin, Amalio Telenti, Li Xiong, and Lucila Ohno-Machado. Protecting genomic data analytics in the cloud: state of the art and opportunities. BMC Medical Genomics, Dec 2016.
Anshuman Suri and David Evans. Formalizing and Estimating Distribution Inference Risks. arXiv preprint, 2021.