Class 17: CRISPR for Humans

Schedule and Readings

(repeated from Class 16)

Quiz 2 will be on Thursday, November 3 and will focus on material from Classes 14 – 18 (mostly on editing genomes, but also including most likely one question on the discussion of Quiz 1 from Class 14.)

Project reports are due Monday, 7 November. This should be a complete project report, which will be graded. You will receive feedback on it, and have an opportunity to revise and improve.

Read before Tuesday, 1 November (but earlier is better):

Slides: Class 17: CRISPR for Humans

The quote about Eric Lander is from Michael Eisen’s blog, The Villain of CRISPR:

Lander’s recent essay in Cell entitled “The Heroes of CRISPR” is his masterwork, at once so evil and yet so brilliant that I find it hard not to stand in awe even as I picture him cackling loudly in his Kendall Square lair, giant laser weapon behind him poised to destroy Berkeley if we don’t hand over our patents.

For a more positive view on Eric Lander (and a very interesting story about another legal case involving genetics, this one about using DNA evidence properly in criminal trials which Lander was critical to including the Innocence Project), watch this episode from The Moth: